As the name implies, you will be invited to "fly" until the speed reaches 124 km / hour. This train will take you glide above the altitude of 67 m with a slope angle reaches 70 °.

Its length reaches 1127 m with a maximum speed reached 107.8 km / hour. Not as high and as fast as others but guaranteed you will feel like a fighter plane.
3.Colossus (UK)

The only thing that will make you throw up a train may be spinning as much as 4 times in a row and you will feel like a nut that is plugged into the wall but with a high speed. Or maybe more like a compass?. Total rounds itself in this game there are 10 combinations of spin.

Roller coaster to be the highest and fastest in the world in 2005. The height reaches 138 m with a velocity 205 km / hour.
5.Top Thrill Dragster (USA)

In 2003, Top Thrill Dragster roller coaster was named the fastest and highest in the world. Its speed can reach 193 km / h with the height reaches 128 m. (equivalent to 42 floors of the building).
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